We help you
lean into the Curve

Helping leaders optimize an ever-changing context

Our Services Bolster your Ambitious External and Internal Growth Strategies.


We bring clarity to complexity for informing action. Working with a C-Level team or a multi-stakeholder forum, we design and facilitate effective process and define action plans for impact. 

We help your team refresh their routine frames of reference. Enabling a fresh take on new or persistent challenges can open up new realms of opportunity.

We provide the foresight and insight to stimulate your team into strategic action. 

·      Innovation Ecosystem Mapping

·      Technology Market Landscaping

·      Signal Scanning and Scenario Modeling

·      Process Design and Facilitation

Mergers & Acquisitions Support for US and Cross-Border Deals

Most M&A deals fail to meet the expected ROI, and the most common problems arise from the human factor. The risks are even higher in cross-border deals. 

We can help you reduce the risks of common challenges related to the merging of two companies in domestic and global deals. Acquiring another company can be a heady experience with large sums of money and imperfect information. Implementing an effective integration strategy can help reduce much of the risk.

·      Early stage: Scouting and due diligence

·      Communications: Preparation for Day 1 and post-deal integration for all stakeholders

·      Post-Merger Integration

·      Risk Management: Pre-deal human-factor and cultural due-diligence and preparation for integration. Team Accompaniment Day 1 to Month 2 with follow-ups up to Month 9.

For the management of large-scale M&As, we partner with the esteemed teams at E78 Partners in the US and Global Post Merger Integration Partners outside the US.

Innovation & Organizational Transformation

Whether a mid-sized company or growing startup, is your organization primed for growth? 

We produce strategy sessions with leaders to clarify, prioritize and launch transformational initiatives that energize teams, boost innovation, ease collaboration, and improve efficiency. 

We work cross-functionally with your teams to develop execution plans and to realize meaningful impact. 

·      Support new leadership transitions

·      Prime teams and organizations for ambitious growth strategies

Strategic Partnerships

Are you looking to expand your business to Silicon Valley or cultivate partnerships there? We know the ecosystem and many talented people and companies who are shaping the future in their fields. We can support you throughout the partnership development or acquisition process. 

·      Scout for opportunities for collaboration and investment

·      Tap US and European networks

Corporate Social Impact

What's your company's strategy for impact philanthropy? We can walk you and your team through the process of defining your vision, desired engagement, and the impact you want to have in your community, locally and globally.  Then, we can put your program into action.

·      Development of employee-driven corporate philanthropy and community engagement

Catalyzing Impact Events

With our global network of diverse thought leaders, technology experts, artists and prescient provocateurs, we produce highly interactive, immersive engagements for your leadership team, clients, or company on topics that will impact your business and lives. These are hands-on, breakthrough sessions that target concrete outcomes.

·      Highly interactive, immersive engagements with targeted concrete outcomes for leadership teams, clients, or organizations.

·      Collaborative research efforts with diverse technology and public policy experts that chart new paths which benefit society and support innovation.